Jim Winder and The Race
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Our band has been doing shows and concerts in churches across the US since 2000. Our songs are grounded in the Word and our musical style has been compared with James Taylor. We play in Christian coffee houses, churches, and other venues. Our goal is to share the Gospel, encourage the church, and enjoy the fellowship of working with church leaders and others to lift the Name of Jesus. While we love the coffee house scene, our passion is our professionally produced shows.
For 20 years we have performed Journey to the Celestial City - a word-for-word delivery of John Bunyan's famous Christian story - Pilgrim's Progress.
"As always, it was an over-the-top pleasure to host The Hard but Right Way once again. You have blessed our fellowship each time you’ve been here, and this time it was such a confirmation of the power of the message – to see the entire sanctuary packed out with teens and adults. Two months later, people are still talking about it."
Pastor John Hessler, Calvary Chapel Central Bucks, PA
Our second professional show is Blessed Assurance - a word-for-word delivery of 1 John. The focus of this show is Biblical Assurance. Many pastors say that much of the counseling they do is with Christians who struggle with a Biblical Assurance. This show uses John's text along with original songs grounded in the Scriptures to encourage believers with truth from the Word. John wrote this book to help those who believe in the Name of Jesus to know they have eternal life.
"It was our joy to present Jim Winder’s superb drama and musical program, Blessed Assurance, for a special evening service in the Ocean Grove (NJ) Tabernacle. What an enlightening and inspiring event! Jim and the team of accomplished musicians interspersed original compositions with his amazingly memorized, and expressive and compelling reciting, of I John. Each section concluded with a probing question that expanded the passages and made them and the musical reflections relevant and persuasive to all in attendance. Outstanding use of lighting helped illuminate and convey the contrast between the confidence of “Blessed Assurance” and the debilitating doubt of uncertainty. The reality and message of I John was demonstrated in a captivating way that made it difficult to leave unchanged.t to leave unchanged."
Dale Whilden, Ocean Grove Camp Meeting President