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Reviews and Testimonials
Several Pastors and Church Leaders have graciously written us letters of recommendation below

Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Association
It was our joy to present Jim Winder’s superb drama and musical program, Blessed Assurance, for a special evening service in the Ocean Grove (NJ) Tabernacle. What an enlightening and inspiring event! Jim and the team of accomplished musicians interspersed original compositions with his amazingly memorized, and expressive and compelling reciting, of I John. Each section concluded with a probing question that expanded the passages and made them and the musical reflections relevant and persuasive to all in attendance. Outstanding use of lighting helped illuminate and convey the contrast between the confidence of “Blessed Assurance” and the debilitating doubt of uncertainty. The reality and message of I John was demonstrated in a captivating way that made it difficult to leave unchanged.t to leave unchanged.
Dale Whilden
Ocean Grove Camp Meeting President
Hope Church, Wantage NJ
Congratulations to Jim Winder and his band for a wonderful dramatization of John’s first epistle. Blessed Assurance dramatically recites the epistle and makes pointed application to the audience. Jim’s skill, talent and humility are striking. The accompanying music was wonderful, direct and worshipful. The presentation consists of original music played by seriously talented Christian men, effect lighting and a wonderfully presented series of five questions that emanate from 1 John regarding a Christian’s assurance of salvation. The epistle and its message of assurance are the core of the program which engage both the mind and heart of listeners. Jim has managed to skillfully recite and apply John’s letter without even being noticed. He is screened behind the sobering challenge of God’s word making Christ the focus of the entire presentation. With challenges for both the believer and unbeliever, my only regret is that there are only five chapters in 1 John.
Pastor Paulo Freire
Hope Church
Wantage, NJ
Rehoboth Baptist Church, Providence RI
Rehoboth Baptist Church recently hosted the Blessed Assurance Concert presented by Jim Winder and his colleagues. Blessed Assurance is a dramatic, musical presentation of the apostle John's first epistle, better known as 1 John. The quality of the presentation was first class with complete fidelity to the word of God. Jim Winder has committed 1 John to memory (ESV) and combined this with a great collection of original, Scripture based songs. The musical performance was excellent with just the right volume and mix of style.
A few years ago the church also hosted Jim and his friends in their presentation of John Bunyan's Pilgrims Progress (The Hard But The Right Way). The high quality of that earlier presentation convinced us to host Blessed Assurance. We are glad we did. The gospel message was richly and clearly presented and Christ was honored in every way. Highly recommended!
Rev. Ronald W. Bridge
Rehoboth Baptist ChurchRehoboth, MA 02769
Calvary Chapel - Central Bucks
Dear Jim,
As always, it was an over-the-top pleasure to host The Hard but Right Way once again. You have blessed our fellowship each time you’ve been here, and this time it was such a confirmation of the power of the message – to see the entire sanctuary packed out with teens and adults. Two months later, people are still talking about it.
I’ve read Pilgrim’s Progress 3 times during my walk with Christ. While each reading was more powerful than the previous, your musical/theatrical presentation portrayed things I’d never considered before.
We’re a young church (9 years old) but we have had many Christian musicians perform for special events. Many are quite talented, but – apart form the story itself – your group’s seriousness for the Gospel combined with musical craft were a breath of fresh air for us.
Please, if any churches or Christian coffee houses have an interest in knowing more about you from someone who knows you, have them contact Doug McRoberts or me at 215-822-4012.
Many rich blessings to you and the group.
John R. Hessler
Senior Pastor
Grace Chapel, Havertown PA
Dear Ministry Leader,
The highlight of this ministry year at Grace Chapel was Jim Winder and his “Hard but Right Way” concert. Unfortunately, few events on the church calendar resonate beyond the moment. Our church was deeply affected by the evening in ways that continue to impact our church family. Jim’s ministry of music was used by God to both encourage and challenge our people.
The music is inspired by Pilgrims Progress and is filled with Scripture and consistent calls to personal holiness. In the course of the hour-long program, Jim, playing an acoustic guitar, retells Bunyan’s timeless story. The breaks in the story are filled with songs which reminded us how little has changed since the 17th century.
I recommend Jim Winder without reservation, and promise blessings to young and old, churched and unchurched.
Dr. Robert McGann Jr.
Grace Chapel
1 W Eagle Rd
Havertown PA 19083
Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Association, Ocean Grove NJ
Dear Jim:
I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for your incredible commitment to sharing the Gospel with the considerable gifts and talents God has given you. All of us at Ocean Grove were completely blown away with the presentation of your original rendition of Pilgrims Progress in the Grove in July.
The music is wonderful and served to greatly enhance the already magnificent story of john Bunyan’s remarkable character, Christian and his adventures. The setting was so well done and the professionalism of your entire team was evident to all. The entire evening was a smashing success from every point of view. I was unsure of just how many people might venture out, but was strongly encouraged by the great attendance. More importantly, every person who came was thoroughly blessed because you did.
Thank you again for your faithfulness in presenting the message so clearly, in such a relevant way, and in such an entertaining and enlightening format. We look forward to hosting you again in the near future!
God’s richest blessings,
Rev. Scott Hoffman
Chief Executive Officer
Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Association
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