Our Shows
Our professionally produced Shows have been performed in hundreds of churches across the US since 2000.
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Journey to the Celestial City
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Journey to the Celestial City Live
The Pilgrim’s Progress been a favorite for generations. Originally published in 1678, John Bunyan wrote this classic from his Bedford, England jail where he was imprisoned for preaching the Gospel. It is the most noted allegory ever told and beautifully expresses—in a simple and relevant fashion—the process of coming to faith in Jesus Christ and the journey of the believer.
Join troubadour Jim Winder and his gifted band of brothers as they present this storytelling concert with original songs that were inspired by the most poignant chapters of the story. Come along with Christian on his journey from the City of Destruction to the Celestial City. Just as compelling today as it was when the passionate preacher put quill to parchment, this is a journey you, your family and your friends won't want to miss!
Our show dialogue is adapted from John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress, as retold by Gary D. Schmidt, Illustrated by Barry Moser Copyright 1994, Wm B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., Grand Rapids, MI. Used by permission;
"As always, it was an over-the-top pleasure to host The Hard but Right Way once again. You have blessed our fellowship each time you’ve been here, and this time it was such a confirmation of the power of the message – to see the entire sanctuary packed out with teens and adults. Two months later, people are still talking about it."
Pastor John Hessler, Calvary Chapel Central Bucks, PA

Blessed Assurance - 5 Questions from 1 John
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Blessed Assurance is a 90 minute live show which delivers 1 John word-for-word in 5 acts along with original songs based on the story line.
John, the son of Zebedee, author of the fourth Gospel as well as 1,2,3 John and Revelation wrote 1 John between 60-100 AD to a church struggling with assurance. 1 John provides theological and behavioral tests to help true believers rejoice with full assurance. John says "I write these things to you who believe in the Name of the Son of God that you may know that you have eternal life” - 1 John 5:13
In 5 short acts we deliver 1 John dramatically word for word along with a key question John would ask his hearers (e.g. Chapter 1 asks "Do you walk in the light as He is in the light?").
Our original songs like "Be Holy", "I Run", and "When you Turn" are based on the Scripture text. They underscore the theological and behavioral calls in this wonderful letter.
If you struggle with assurance of your salvation, come and be encouraged. John wants true believers to walk confidently in their God given faith.
"It was our joy to present Jim Winder’s superb drama and musical program, Blessed Assurance, for a special evening service in the Ocean Grove (NJ) Tabernacle. What an enlightening and inspiring event! Jim and the team of accomplished musicians interspersed original compositions with his amazingly memorized, and expressive and compelling reciting, of I John. Each section concluded with a probing question that expanded the passages and made them and the musical reflections relevant and persuasive to all in attendance. Outstanding use of lighting helped illuminate and convey the contrast between the confidence of “Blessed Assurance” and the debilitating doubt of uncertainty. The reality and message of I John was demonstrated in a captivating way that made it difficult to leave unchanged.t to leave unchanged."
Dale Whilden, Ocean Grove Camp Meeting President